Check out this article from Great tips for fat-burning info to start of an awesome 2012.
Here is a Summary of the article (but click on the heading above to read all the facts).
1. Go Pro: High Protein Diet enhances fat loss!
2. Slow Down: Reach for slow-digesting carbs such as brown rice, oatmeal, and whole wheat bread.
3. Get Fat: Eat olive oil, peanut butter, fish oil supplements, almond, walnuts, etc...
4. Egg You On: Eat more eggs especially for breakfast and you will lose more body fat. Plus eggs keep you fuller longer.
5. Unforbidden Fruit: Eat Grapefruit! Research shows grapefruits reduce insulin levels.
6. Milk It: Add low-fat versions of cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt (Greek or plain) to your diet to aid fat loss.
7. An Apple A Day: Apples can boost muscle strength, endurance, and even fat loss especially around the abs.
8. Spice It Up: Hot peppers promote calorie burning and reduce hunger and food intake.
9. Go Nuts: Eat almongs, Brazil nuts, macadamia and walnuts to see more fat loss.
10. Be Multi-Organic: May be pricer but worth the extra bucks epecially for milk, grass-fed beef, and of dairy products.
11. Add Some Guac: Avocados are full of monosaturated fat wish is not stored as body fat and helps control insulin and enhances calcium absorption.
What to drink...
12. Go Green: Studies show Green tea helps you burn more calories throughout the day and keeps you hydrated during workouts.
13. In The Black: Studies show Black tea enhances the metabolic rate and reduces Cortisol levels.
14. Be Aqua Man: Drinking about 2 cups of cold water can temporarily boost metabolic rate by 30%.
15. Get Engerized: Energy drinks have shown to boost fat loss!
16. Whey Lean: Drinking Whey Protein between meals is a smart way to enhance muscle growth and fat loss.
17. Say Soy-Anara To Fat: Soy Protein is a proven fat-burner.
18. Get Thick: Use less water in protein shakes to make the drink thicker which can help you feel less hunger.
19. Not So Sweet: Artificially sweetened drinks can hinder your fat-loss process, by making you feel hungrier so you eat more calories. Ditch the diet sodas!
20. Go Even Greener: Take 500 mg of green tea extract in the morning and afternoon before meals for better absorbtion.
21. See CLA: Add the healthy fat of CLA to your supplement regimen. It helps target ab fat and aids fat loss.
22. Go Fish: Take 1-2 grams of fish oil at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
23. You Bet Your Astaxanthin: Take Astaxanthin with food one or twice a day, with one dose taken with preworkout meal.
24. Go Commerical: Check out Meltdown by VPX it helps you burn fat faster.
How You Lift...
25. Carry More Fat Away With Carnitine: Take the amino-acid like compound carnitine (1-2 grams).
26. Go Heavy: You still want to lift heavy some of the time to maximize the calorie and fat burn.
27. Go Light: Performing higher reps burns more calories during a workout. Mix up your training with heavy weights low reps and light weights with more reps.
28. Rest Less:Only rest 30 seconds between sets to burn more calories.
29. Force It: Go past muscle failure when lifting to increase your growth hormone.
30. Be Free: Use free weights, you burn more calories than using exercise machines.
31. Feel The Need For Speed: Fast explosive reps burn more calories that the typical slow ones.
32. Be Negative: Do Negative reps after you have muscle failure. Having your spotter help you can increase your growth hormone by almost 4,000%.
33.Tune In: Listening to your iPod can boost your workout intensity and fat-loss efforts.
How You Run....
34. Go After It: Do cardio after you hit the weights to burn more fat.
35. Hiit It: (HIIT) High-Intensity Interval Training during cardio is the best way to burn more fat.
36. Stagger It: Doing 10 minute bouts of running seperated by 20-minute rest periods burn more fat and more calories postworkout then running 30 minutes continuously.
37. Fashionably Late: Research shows working out in the PM raises the metabolic rate higher postworkout than doing it in the AM.
38. Be Scottish: Doing 4-6 30-second prings on a stationary cycle can help keep insulin down and fat-burning up.
39. Climb It: Do rock-climbing to burn fat.
40. Kick It: Do martial arts and burn about 300 calories per half-hour.
41. Spit It Out: Rinsing your mouth every 10 minutes with a sports drink and spitting it out could help you train at a higher intensity without the added calories.
Other Rules...
42. Get Up: Stretch at least every 20 minutes while sitting at work or home to avoid the slump.
43. Take A Picture: Take a picture of the food you eat will help you make better food choice with your food journal.
44. Portion It: Give yourself a large amount of Lean Protein, and keep the side dishes small like rice, potatoes, and bread.
45. Laugh It Off: Eating while watching comedy on TV can help keep your blood-glucose and insulin levels low to encourge fat loss.
46. Sleep On It: Try to sleep 7-9 hours every night to enhance recovery and aid in your health and keeping fat off.
47. Chew It: Eating gum between meals can help you eat less at the next meal to reduce food intake for fat loss.
48. Be A Transporter: Walk or bike to burn more calories to work, friends house, or the gym.
49. Feel The Vibe: Using a vibration machine such as the Power Plate can enhance fat loss.
50. Be A Gamer: Very active video games like the Dance Dance Revolution can provide a great workout.
It seems like a long list, but the facts are there to prove it. Try these today to help you in your fat loss and muscle building goals.